Tina attended the 2019 annual conference “Psychology and Brain” in beautiful Dresden. Tina chaired a symposium on meta-research (see picture). You can find my talk and poster on Extinction retention at OSF.

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Congratulations Rachel on finishing your thesis on “Framing Fear”! Great work!
Welcome Alina who will work as a PhD student in the Emmy-Nöther project Fear Profiles. Alina joined us from the Charite in Berlin!
We welcome Hannes to the team, who will work as a full-time trainee with us until 1.6.2019.
Our new publication in Biological Psychiatry deals with the field of “fear extinction retention” from an empirical meta-research perspective. We discuss terminological vagueness in the field, excessive researchers degrees of freedom, heterogeneity in operationalization of the construct “extinction retention”. Finally, we illustrate the impact of this heterogeneity across 4 datasets. Based on these results, we call for a re-evaluation and re-consideration what we (think) we know about extinction retention.
Highly recommended TV report (sorry, in German only) featuring our reserach as well as the work by our colleagues from the Collaborative Reserach Center 58 on Fear, Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders (klick here to watch the report).