Bielefeld lab

The group has relocated to the University of Bielefeld in April 2023. Currently, most team members still work in the Hamburg lab, while the Bielefeld lab is being set up. It is expected that the lab will be up and running in fall 2023.
In Bielefeld, we will have access to several behavioral labs equipped for psychophysiological measures, freezing-like behavior and virtual reality. We will also have access to a research-dedicated 3T MRI as an Imagaing Core Facility is alslo currently being set up.
Hamburg lab
Research devoted 3T MRI

The Department of Systems Neuroscience has a reserach devoted 3T MRI operated by three medical-technical radiology assistants (running 7 days a week from 7am to 10pm). We provide equipment for recodring of skin conductance, facial EMG (e.g., startle), EEG, heart reate and respiration during (f)MRI recordings as well as equipment for auditory, visual and tactile (heat, electric) stimulation.
The research at the Department of Systems Neuroscience is supported by two MRI physics reserach groups (Dr. Jürgen Finsterbusch) providing valueable support in sequence selection, optimization and development.
Behavioral labs

The Department of Systems Neuroscience provides a number of fully equipped labs for behavioral studies as well as facilities for blood drawing/processing and drug administration:
- two behavioral labs for psychophysiolgical recordings (skin conductance, EMG startle, heart rate)
- three additional labs for computer-based testing
- one eyetracking lab
- two EEG labs
BVirtual Reality Lab
We have a virtual reality lab that allows us also to measure psychophysiological signals. Currently we are working on appraoch-avoidance behavior in the virtual world.
Freezing-like behavior in humans

We have recently set up a stabilometric force platform that allows us to measure “freezing-like behavior” in humans. The platform has been set up in collaboration with Karin Roelofs at the Donders Institute in Nijmegen.
Close interactions with other groups

Our groups is located at the Department of Systems Neuroscience, which hosts a number of research groups working on related topics under a single roof. This provides an extraordinary stimulating environment which facilitates as well as promotes scientifc exchange and collaboration. Other groups located at the Department of Sytems Neuroscience include.
- Affective Neuroscience (Prof. Christian Büchel)
- Systems Neuropharmacology of aversive Learning (Dr. Jan Haaker)
- Decision Neuroscience of Human Cooperation (Dr. Christoph Korn)
- MR Physics (Dr. Jürgen Finsterbusch)
- LIfespan Neuroscience (Dr. Stefanie Brassen)
- Valuation and Social Decision Making (Dr. Jan Gläscher)
- Headache and Pain (Prof. Arne May)
- Quantitative MRI and in vivo histology (Dr. Siawoosh Mohammadi)
- Systems of Learning and Memory (Prof. Michael Rose)
- Memory and decision making (Dr. Tobias Sommer-Blöchl)
Coffee and sofas

Never underestimate the importance of good coffee! You can enjoy some coffee in our “social room” while discussing science on the sofas.