All good things come in threes – new preprint III/21

The COVID 19 pandemia has slowed down our research substiantially. Now, we finally finished the third preprint in a series of manuscripts focusing on multiverse-type of analyses.

Here we focus on within-approach heterogeneity in SCR quantification through the so called “baseline-correction appraoch”. We extracted different specifications used from the literature and applied 150 different pipelines to a single data set to find out how different parameter impact the results and effect sizes. Check it out

New preprint I

New preprint on different skin conductance response quantification approaches.

Happy to announce a new pre-print with former post-doc Manuel Kuhn and collaborator Anna Gerlicher looking into the question how much different skin conductance response quantification approaches used impact on replicability. Tina recently presented a virtual poster on the results which you can watch here or have a look at the preprint

Congratulations Sabrina!

Sabrina submitted her thesis in which she did a stellar job on directly cmparing different SCR quantification approaches based on a systematic literature search – focusing on trough-to-peak scoring and baseline correction approaches. It was a pleasure working with Sabrina and the lab wishes her all the best for her PhD project!

New DFG grant!

The lab has been awarded a new DFG grant to continue our methods-focused work in the field of fear conditioning research – with a focus on different approaches to quantify skin conductance responses and an empirical investigation of implicit assumptions that underly a number of procedures in our work. The 3-year project will employ a combination of data re-analyses and new data acquisition which will be conducted by a post-doctoral researcher. Looking forward to this project!

Virtual welcome Shereen

Shereen Abdelnabi a master student in the ‘Mind and Brain’ program from the Humbold University in Berlin has joined the team as a research intern. Shereen will mainly work with Alina on data analysis and visualization in R.

Welcome Shereen!

New poster from the lab

The European Meeting on Human Fear Conditioning has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless the lab is proud that Alex put together a poster on his newly developed approach-avoidance paradigm in Virtual Reality – which is still in a pilot phase. The poster can be found on the OSF meeting page along with (a small) number of other posters. Well done, Alex!