Tina chaired a symposium at the (virtual) annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiology (SPR) which showcased recent examples tackling the ‘replicability’ of ‘Open and Reproducible’ science practices in psychophysiological research. Three talks (Peter Clayson, Tampa, US; Andreas Keil, Gainsville, US; Manuel Kuhn, Boston, US) focused on multiverse analyses in EEG and skin conductance, one talk focused on an inventory of open data (Tina) and one (Michael Larsson) on the open access advantage by using electrophysiological research as a case example. You can find the video of Tina virtual talk below.
All good things come in threes – new preprint III/21
The COVID 19 pandemia has slowed down our research substiantially. Now, we finally finished the third preprint in a series of manuscripts focusing on multiverse-type of analyses.
Here we focus on within-approach heterogeneity in SCR quantification through the so called “baseline-correction appraoch”. We extracted different specifications used from the literature and applied 150 different pipelines to a single data set to find out how different parameter impact the results and effect sizes. Check it out https://psyarxiv.com/q24t8/