We have currently a number of open positions in our brand-new lab at the University of Bielfeld. Flexible arrangements are possible and starting dates are flexible between summer ’23 and summer ’24! Contact Tina for more information!

Interested in joining the lab?
We always seek motivated postdoctoral researchers, PhD students and Master students as well as research interns. Candidates interested in joining the lab are strongly encouraged to apply for fellowships. Please contact tina.lonsdorf@uni-bielefeld.de if you are interested.
If you are interested in joining us, there are a number of excellent funding opportunities that you may want to check out. These include the German Academic Exchance Service (DAAD) for reserachers at all career stages, the Humbold foundation (post-docs), the Leopoldina Foundation (post-docs) or Marie Sklodowska-Curie Stipends (post-docs).