Impressions from the lab

Finally a small scale in-person celebration again after long month (even yrs) of this not being possible. Celebrating a new pre-preprint and also celebrating Samu’s 2nd last day of his intership!

The lab has moved to “home-office” only and data collection has been stopped completely as of today. We are trying to make the best out of the current situation and catch up via zoom with regular guest performances of Maren’s and Tina’s kids (note the little baby hand in the bottom right corner in one of the pictures).

Celebrations! For a lot of reasons, we had our lab christmas party in July! The weather is better anyways in the summer. Lot’s of important stuff to celebrate (in chronological but reversed order) despite really enjoying to work with this wonderful croud: Arrival of our new server to allow us to work even faster, Rachels dissertation defense, Mana joins the group, Alex joins the group, Alina joins the group, Extinction retention paper published in Biological Psychiatry, Tina gets the Emmy Nöther grant and lots of other small(er) things.We had hoped to also celebrate Manu’s newest paper but Rev 1 insisted on doing it all over again with a different motion correction (results do not change…so we celebrated this anyways). Sparkling wine was served in original Nobel ceremony glasses to our new doctor and Manuel who will leave us next wek for the US…

What a stellar defense, what a hat! So proud!

The lab attended the European Meeting on Fear Conditioning in Würzburg Germany. What a great and inspiring meeting!
We also attended (and hosted) the pre-conference workshop on different ways to analyze SCRs and discussions on a meta-research project on performance-based exclusion of participants.
Last but not least: Manuel lead a pre-conference workshop on Bayesian statistics!

Max brought some Donuts for breakefast (lunch and dinner) for his last weekly reserach group meeting – marking the end of his 6-month full time intership! Thank you Max and all the best for the future!

And suddenly it is happening! Lab members Manuel, Kevin and Habiba as well as Walemar (one of the institutes medical technical radiology assistants) celebrating the final scan of our longitudinal study on life adversity! 120 participants performed a 2-day experiment in the scanner twice!! Prost!

Group picture 2018 (Manuel, Rachel, Maren, Karoline, Tina)

Group picture 2016 (Johanna, Rachel, Robert, Manuel, Maren, Tina)